Agata Torelli winner of the “Evanescence Project”

Agata Torelli winner of the “Evanescence Project” concours created by Alain Leporati.  In this interview she explains her work.

Title:  “La fusione”

Year: 2019

Technique: mannequin, performance art with prosthetic supports, variable duration


Man has always sought to construct an image of self and within such an image find himself, it is a falsification rich with fascination.  La Fusione reflects upon the mannequin as a demonstration of this mirroring in an image to be perfected.  Concentrating on problematic areas, the prostheses constructed and worn by the artist, compare the human body to the artificial and show their shortcomings.  Flesh, which can neither elongate itself nor smooth itself.  Plastic, which cannot transmute to become biological matter.


Agata Torelli (Casalmaggiore, 1995)  academics in parallel between experimental company Teatro Magro and Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. She develops a practice which is strictly performance, associating reflections on corporeal needs to the subsequent creation of objects which support the action. Amongst her most recent activities, “Artworks that ideas can buy (2019, Artefiera) by and with Cesare Poetroiusti, and Prospect EVA (2019, Live Arts Week VIII) by Michele Rizzo and Billy Bultheel.

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